Saturday, June 28, 2008

just having "fun"

what can you do with a 2 inch diam. min tin you ask...well, it turns out that you can do quite a bit! instead of scrapping events, i bet you can see a trend on how i scrap...very mixed up! but, that reflects my life a guess, running in all sorts of directions, but eventually it all makes sense!

so this little album is made up of pictures that were all fun (hence the name!) and i brought them all together by painting the round disks pink, green or yellow. what was neat was, that after i painted everything and the disks were set aside to make sure they were dry, i was trying to figure out how to cover the box...well, i realized that i had made my own paper and used the scrap paper from the painting! i new it would match perfectly and tie everything together neater than a bow!